Actualités concernant SITEMA et nos produits.

On the rails
We have often been asked recently whether we can clamp on rails instead of the usual cylindrical rods. We have taken this to heart and developed a Safety Catcher for standard rails (e.g. T89/B), which we have presented to the public at this year’s MOTEK. The new product group will be called SiRail and will […]

SITEMA knows the ropes
SITEMA has always been known for exclusively clamping on round rods, but this has changed with this year’s MOTEK. At the trade fair, we have presented our new Safety Catcher for steel wire ropes, which can be used to secure loads of up to 10 kN (including safety factor two) on a steel cable or […]

Fully electric Safety Brake KSE
At this year’s trade show MOTEK in Stuttgart from October 8th to 11th, SITEMA has presented a world first: the fully electric safety brake KSE. It can be used to secure loads of up to one ton 100% electrically. The TÜV-tested safety concept enables use in applications up to Performance Level e. For the market […]

Automation on thin wire ropes
As part of a development project for a customer, SITEMA is moving away from the usual round rod and is now clamping thin wire ropes. We have developed an electrically driven special clamp that can hold onto thin wire ropes, generating a holding force of 200 N on a rope with a diameter of 3 […]
New look for SITEMA’s website
Welcome to the new SITEMA website It has already been several years since our website had a new look, so now is the time for something new. During this time, many things have changed on the technical side as well, so we have not only given the website a contemporary look, but have also improved […]
Smaller and stronger!
Improved Locking Unit series KFPC Improvement of reliable technology – SITEMA has completely re-worked the pneumatic Locking Unit series KFPC. It is now built much more compact, and stronger at the same time. Compared with the old series, it is up to 80% stronger and up to 50% smaller in volume. The lifetime has been […]
IFPE 2023 Las Vegas, USA
SITEMA and AME exhibited together at IFPE 2023 in Las Vegas, USA. Thanks to everybody who visited us at our booth. What: The International Fluid Power Exposition (IFPE 2023) When: Tuesday, March 14 – Saturday, March 18, 2023 Where: Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd. | Las Vegas, NV 89109 Details: IFPE brings together the fluid power, power […]
« Sid » explique
Sur le nouveau site web « scrollytelling » de SITEMA, notre mascotte Sid explique les têtes de serrage. Depuis 1979, SITEMA produit des Têtes de Serrage de toutes tailles. Mais qu’est-ce que c’est vraiment, une Tête de Serrage ? Et qu’est-ce qu’on fait avec ? Qui n’a jamais entendu ce mot, et à qui l’expression « frein linéaire » […]
Notice d’utilisation en ligne
Notices d’utilisation disponibles par code QR Qui n’a pas vécu cette situation : vous êtes devant une machine, et il vous faut la notice d’utilisation d’un composant. Sauf que celle-ci a déjà disparu dans la profondeur des archives… Avec les produits SITEMA, ce problème est résolu. Désormais, tous nos bloqueurs standards sont munis d’un code […]
PowerStroke, toujours plus fort !
Nouvelle plaquette de présentation du PowerStroke, désormais en ligne Sans conteste, la popularité du dispositif PowerStroke de SITEMA ne cesse de grandir.À ses débuts, il n’était pourtant utilisé que pour la fermeture de moules (d’où son nom d’origine « Tête de fermeture de moules », qui perdure toujours dans sa désignation « FSK »). Aujourd’hui, il est aussi utilisé […]
Nous parlons portugais / Nós falamos português!
La version portugaise de notre site web est désormais publiée. A empresa SITEMA conta já com muitos clientes satisfeitos ao longo das últimas décadas e, ultimamente, verifica-se um claro aumento de novos clientes residentes no Brasil.Haverá melhor maneira de honrar a preferência dos nossos clientes, habituais e futuros, do que disponibilizar-lhes a informação que necessitam […]
SITEMA product demonstrator at the TR Eurasia
Our distributor for Turkey, company HKTM, showed a SITEMA product demonstrator at the TR Eurasia At the TR Eurasia trade fair in Istanbul this November, our distributor for Turkey, company, HKTM/Hidropar was present with their own booth. Our Clamping Heads were not shown simply as objects on a table, but in live action! In a […]