Informazioni attuali
Notizie su SITEMA e sui nostri prodotti.
SITEMA product demonstrator at the TR Eurasia
Our distributor for Turkey, company HKTM, showed a SITEMA product demonstrator at the TR Eurasia At the TR Eurasia trade fair in Istanbul this November, our distributor for Turkey, company, HKTM/Hidropar was present with their own booth. Our Clamping Heads were not shown simply as objects on a table, but in live action! In a […]
Spring base for tensile versions available
SITEMA spring base now available for Safety Catchers series KR/T and KRP/T (tensile versions) The proven and reliable SITEMA spring base, which has long been available for compressive load version Safety Catchers (K, KR, KRP), is now also available for tensile load versions KR/T and KRP/T for all standard sizes. The advantages of the spring […]
Highest safety with SITEMA SiForce Technology
The unique self-intensifying clamping technology by SITEMA now has its own brand name: SiForce Technology Even the very first Clamping Heads by SITEMA in the end of the 1970s were already based on the ingenious principle of self-intensifying clamping. Appreciated by thousands of customers worldwide, we have now honoured our unique technology with its own […]
Chain reaction
When a transmission chain breaks, you’d better have the MVA Suspension devices such as transmission chains or belts are normally designed with a big safety factor. Nevertheless, it happens every so often that a chain breaks and the lifted load crashes down. With SITEMA’s new Mechanical Valve Actuator MVA, you can easily prevent this. The […]
SITEMA apps now for download for everybody
Our 3D apps illustrating the use of SITEMA Clamping Heads in various machines can now be downloaded for free! For some time already, our 3D apps fascinate our customers. Whether in direct conversation or at trade shows, experiencing the effects of using or not using a SITEMA Clamping Head in a machine leaves no one […]
IFPE 2020 Las Vegas, USA
SITEMA and AME will exhibit together at IFPE 2020 in Las Vegas, USA What: The International Fluid Power Exposition (IFPE 2020) When: Tuesday, March 10 – Saturday, March 14, 2020 Where: Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd. | Las Vegas, NV 89109 Details: IFPE brings together the fluid power, power transmission, and motion control industries. The co-located IFPE […]
Fix the rod
Our clamping heads have rods tightly in their grip – but how are the rods fixed to the machine? With the new SITEMA rod fixation, this has never been easier. New by SITEMA – the Rod Attachment STB SITEMA clamping heads have a big safety margin in terms of holding force. For example, a Safety […]
Hold on tight
Locking Unit KFPD for torque has become standard Normally, SITEMA clamping heads strictly stop linear movements – we have had a tight grip on axial forces ever since. What only few knew: SITEMA can also secure shafts against torque. For more than two decades, special solutions have existed for those cases where a shaft at […]
SITEMA sulla Fiera di Torino A&T
La SITEMA GmbH & Co KG ha esporto insieme con la ditta Alea SRL alla fiera A&T, che sì e tenuta dal 18. al 20. April 2018 al Lingotto Fiera die Torino. La fiera ad avuto un grande successo per l’affluenza e richieste da parte dei numerosi visitatori.
Novità – centralina pneumatica EPM per attivare i dispotitivi SITEMA
La soluzione per tutti che non applicano sui loro impianti idraulica e pneumatica con risparmio energetico notevole EPM – Qui si tratta di una centralina che può attivare in nostri freni di sicurezza / bloccaggi e dispositivi anticaduta KSP o KFPA o KRP, KRGP ecc. pneumatici (solo con la corrente eclettica 24 Volt) fino ad […]
Barra estraibile dal PowerStroke
La soluzione ottimale per chiusura stampo e diverse applicazioni per risparmio barra ed accesso libero sul cambio stampo e manutenzione sulle presse e macchine. Leggere l’articolo nel perodico ‘Lamiera’ (download pdf)
Nuovo sito web SITEMA
Benvenuti nella nuova homepage del SITEMA Dall’ultimo aggiornamento del nostro sito web, molte cose sono cambiate sia nel settore IT che in SITEMA. Sempre più clienti e interessati ci raggiungono tramite smartphone o tablet, e l’interesse per SITEMA come azienda e per le nostre soluzioni personalizzate è aumentato in modo significativo. Abbiamo colto queste due […]